Competition Blog

Love Winter? Watch this.

Written by: Kompster

Even if you aren’t in love with the seasons, snow, cold temperatures, and winter competitions, you need to watch this short film.  “Generations” is a Skier’s and Snowboarder’s perspective on Climate Change but is applicable to EVERYONE.  The short video offers a humbling message that might reach some people who just aren’t aware of the broad reach of climate change.  Watch, think, and share this!

Here are five things YOU can do to make a difference directly from the producers of the film, Teton Gravity Research.

We can all do some simple things that have a huge short-term impact on climate change. Collectively, we could save almost 123 million metric tons of CO2 in ten years, dropping the US national emissions by 8%. Consider doing these five things today:

1. Get an energy audit. Seal doors and windows and insulate the hot water pipes
2. Carpool whenever you can and/or buy a fuel efficient vehicle and drive the speed limit
3. Use compact fluorescent bulbs, turn lights off and unplug appliances when not in use.
4. Lower your thermostat settings, put a sweater on!
5. Use reusable water bottles & coffee mugs… avoid plastic water bottles unless necessary.

Take a moment to think about your contribution to the future of winter.  What are you doing to make a difference?

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