September 13th Bentonville
This world famous culinary event has been seen on Bizarre Foods, The Travel channel, and the Front page of the Wall street journal. Our event is the finest wild game cook off, anywhere. We focus on the ability of the team to create a meal out of the other brown meat squirrel (limb chicken/Tree Bacon). The teams are made up of 2 or 3 individuals who will combine squirrel (80% of the total meat) along with whatever other ingredients to create an entrée along with a side item. In past years we have had teams turn in dishes such as—tamales, pizza, sausage, cashew squirrel, stir-fry, gumbo, dumplings, fried, squirrel eggrolls, and many other amazing dishes. We need Chefs, Rednecks, Camp cooks, youth, old, Pro, and novice teams to cook in this amazing cook off.
We have had teams from across the country compete for the title, so far 11 states have had representation. Cash, awards, and prizes for teams in the event.
Corporate sponsorship is available.
All of the squirrels are harvested using legal means and methods, teams shall provide their own meat, supplies and decoration. Special help can be given for meat supply if traveling across the country.
September 13, 2014 - September 13, 2014
go to for more information. or email us at [email protected] Open to the public for judging and sampling.
Free to the public--Teams $50 for 2person $75 for 3person team
July 25, 2014
Bentonville City Square
Bentonville, Arkansas 72712
United States
Joe Wilsons