Event ID: 1499

The Race Ireland’s Toughest

260 KM.  24 Hours.  Ireland’s Toughest.

Run, Cycle, Kayak.  Coming to Donegal in 2014.

THE RACE is a not for profit event, supporting Self Help Africa.

The Race is aimed at providing the ultimate single-day test for endurance athletes in Ireland. There will be no typical competitor. Competitors will come from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines. You do not need to be an elite runner, cyclist or kayaker. Those who compete in and complete The Race will be those who refuse to give up.

The Race is a 260km multi-sport event across the least hospitable terrain in Ireland. This event does not fall into any specific category. The race combines elements of many different genres but is in fact a category in and of itself. To finish competitors will have completed 15 km of kayaking, 175 km cycling, 5km of mountain running/scrambling and 65km of road and trail running. It is the toughest single-day event to ever take place in Ireland.

The field for The Race will be limited to 60 competitors to minimise ecological impact and to ensure maximum support for competitors. As a not for profit event all proceeds will go to charity. Self Help Africa is our charity partner for The Race:Donegal 2014.



The Race is aimed at providing the ultimate single-day test for endurance athletes in Ireland.

The idea for The Race was born in response to the explosion in popularity of endurance events amongst the Irish and the absence of a truly attritional single-day endurance event in Ireland. The Race aims to address this absence and create an event to rival the toughest in the world.

As a not for profit event the focus of the event will be on the quality of experience rather than quantity of participants. The field will be limited to protect the local environment which includes Glenveigh National Park. The intention is not to exclude but rather to create an experience that will be one of the toughest but also most memorable of a competitor’s life.

Two of Ireland’s most accomplished adventurers and ultra-athletes were tasked with finding a course would truly achieve this ambitious aim. David Burns and Maghnus Collins of Sand2Snow Adventures scoured the country to find the perfect blend of difficulty and gruelling terrain. Burns and Collins have previously completed man-powered expeditions taking them the full length of Africa and the width of Asia. They have competed in ultra events world wide including the Marathon De Sables.

The pair began a search for a course that would replicate in a single day the physical challenges that they have experienced during their expeditions. A course and location that could legitimately be considered Ireland’s toughest, but would also be distinctly Irish. The magnificent coast of North-West Donegal and the pristine national park proved as beautiful as it is conducive to a limit-testing course.

Local knowledge was provided by Gartan Adventure Centre who will host the event and have an extensive background in organising adventure challenges throughout Northwest Donegal.

The Race will not have a typical competitor. Competitors will come from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines. You do not need to be an elite runner, cyclist or kayaker. Those who compete in and ultimately complete this event will be those who refuse to give up. Persistence will trump performance. Toughness will beat talent.

“He conquers who endures”

via: http://www.therace.ie/

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Date & Time

February 28, 2014 - March 2, 2014


Gartan Adventure Centre
Church Ln, Letterkenny, Co.

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