Created by Eric L. Watts in 1999 and presented at Dragon*Con from 1999 to 2009, TrekTrax Atlanta is proud to be the new home of the world-famous Miss Klingon Empire Beauty Pageant
General Information
The Fifteenth Annual Miss Klingon Empire Beauty Pageant is open to any qualified attending female member of the 2014 TrekTrax Atlanta (TXA) who is at least 18 years of age and who agrees to abide by the rules of this contest as posted on the TXA web site site now and in the future. There is NO registration fee nor any additional cost to participate. Membership in or affiliation with any Klingon-oriented organization (i.e., KAG, KLAW, etc.) is not required.
Contestants in the 2014 Miss Klingon Empire Beauty Pageant will be judged in three separate categories. They include:
“Beauty” — Contestants will be judged on the quality and professionalism of their costumes, make-up and “modeling.” Contestants may assume the identity of any Klingon female character from any incarnation of Star Trek, or any original Klingon persona of their own creation. Contestants will be asked to walk a runway in their Klingon persona. Poise, grace and the authenticity of her persona will be the criteria for judging.
“Talent” — Contestants will be allowed NO MORE THAN FIVE MINUTES to demonstrate a talent or skill. Contestants may sing, dance, act, perform or make any other type of presentation that demonstrates a talent or skill so long as the presentation does not endanger herself, other contestants or the audience. (In other words, no flaming bat’leth twirling, etc.) Contestants are encouraged but not required to present a Klingon-themed talent or skill. Originality and the authenticity of her persona will be the criteria for judging. Contestants must disclose to the TrekTrax Atlanta staff their talent intentions prior to the convention for planning purposes, but such information will be kept strictly confidential. Audio, video or other technical equipment needed for a specific talent presentation can usually be provided with sufficient advance notice.
“Personality” — Each contestant will either be asked a question to which she must respond, or be asked to perform some simple task on the spot. The authenticity of her answer or performance, and of her persona, will be criteria for judging.
Master of Ceremonies and Celebrity Judges
The Miss Klingon Empire Beauty Pageant will be MC’ed by its creator and producer, Eric L. Watts, and will be judged by our celebrity guests Arlene Martel, Felix Silla, Jeremy Roberts and Keith DeCandido.
The winner of the Miss Klingon Empire Beauty Pageant will receive a number of prizes with a total value of more than $600, including:
• 16″ tall acrylic trophy on a solid wood base. A plaque on the front of the trophy will be autographed by the pageant’s celebrity judges (retail value $400)
• Fabulous 8″ tall rhinestone tiara, plated in sterling silver and styled with hundreds of all-hand-prong-set Swarovski rhinestones (retail value $90)
• Exquisite satin pageant banner, embroidered in red on white satin, trimmed in blue and green… the official colors of the Klingon Empire (retail value: $80)
• A fabulous bouquet of freshly cut, colorful, gorgeous pageant flowers (retail value $60)
Deadline, Registration and Maximum Participation
The deadline to register for the Miss Klingon Empire Beauty Pageant is April 18, 2014. There will be a maximum of ten contestants. Contestants must register in advance in order to participate. If you are interested in participating or have any questions or comments about this event, send email to TrekTrax Atlanta at [email protected].
"Star Trek" and all associated trademarks are the property of CBS Studios, Inc. TrekTrax Atlanta is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliared with CBS Studios, Inc.
April 18, 2014 - April 26, 2014
The Fifteenth Annual Miss Klingon Empire Beauty Pageant is open to any qualified attending female member of the 2014 TrekTrax Atlanta (TXA) who is at least 18 years of age and who agrees to abide by the rules of this contest as posted here, now and in the future. The cost to attend TXA is $45 for adults if preregistered or $50 at the door. There is NO registration fee nor any additional cost to participate in the pageant.
April 18, 2014
The Atlanta Marriott Northwest at Galleria Hotel
200 Interstate North Parkway SE
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
United States
Eric L. Watts