Copyright 2013 Green Community Connections.
Presented by One Earth Film Festival and Green Community Connections
The 3rd annual One Earth Film Festival — taking place Fri-Sun March 7-9, 2014 – is proud to announce the “One Earth . . . Our Earth!” Young Filmmakers Contest for students from 3rd grade through college.
Students are invited to submit environmental film entries that meet the contest guidelines and criteria (see Contest Details below). The contest runs from through Sunday, January 12, 2014. Winners will be notified prior to the 2014 One Earth Film Festival, and winning films will be screened at the One Earth Film Festival 2014 in early March. Winners in each grade level category will also receive cash prizes and matching grants for a non-profit organization or community sustainability project of their choice.
ELIGIBILITY: To enter, contestants must be in one of the following eligible grade level categories at the time of submission.
GRADE LEVEL CATEGORIES: There will be one winner per each of the following four grade level categories.
Contest officials reserve the right not to name a winner in any given category, pending volume and quality of entries.
Contest entries may be by an individual, or by a group of any size (for example — a group of friends, an afterschool program, an entire class).
Film length. Films by entrants in the 3rd-8th grade level categories may submit a film of no shorter than 3 minutes, and no longer than 8 minutes. Films by entrants in 9th grade through college level may submit a film of no shorter than 5 minutes, and no longer than 8 minutes.
In 2014, the YFC will accept and consider short animated films. Minimum film length for animated submissions is 45 seconds. However, animated films must still meet the general judging criteria.
Each film submission should choose one (or a couple) of the following areas on which to clearly focus its theme
Filmmakers will be judged on their ability to address their chosen topic/s by being engaging, informative, inspiring, and creative in the execution of their film. Submissions must show a strong (research-supported) understanding of the topic/s and related, key issues. Submissions must share/highlight solutions to issues within the entrants’ chosen sustainability topic/s.
Winners (one in each grade level category) will receive the following –
Judges will check for adherence to submission rules and guidelines (including film length, film formats, etc. as described above). They will seek entries that cover the assigned sustainability topics (water, waste, food, transportation, energy) with an engaging, informative, inspiring, creative execution. Submissions must show a strong (research-supported) understanding of the topic/s and related, key issues. Submissions must share/highlight solutions to issues within the entrants’ chosen sustainability topic/s.
Adult guidance is accepted, but all submissions must be student led, and all hands-on work (e.g., creative idea generation, script writing, filming, etc.) is intended for students. No adult implementation will be allowed (adult technical guidance and some editing help are acceptable). Age-appropriate “errors” are admitted (e.g., unintentional spelling errors for younger students).
Please test the DVDs before submitting them; if they are unable to be viewed by judges, they will be ineligible for consideration in the contest.
Place film copies in a sealed manila envelope. Make sure to label your submission with your film name, entrant name, and contact phone number number (phone number for an adult over age 18).
Additionally, the Entrant oath & permission* form must be completed, and included with submission.
The final deadline for submissions is Sunday, January 12, 2014 at 5P. Location for dropping off DVD submissions and paperwork is: 807 Forest Avenue, River Forest, IL, 60305 (NE corner of Forest and Chicago Ave.). Please drop your envelope into the mail slot. *Note that your submissionDVD copies will not be returned to you.
*In submitting a film, and signing the application form, all entrants agree to the terms and conditions of the contest and that Green Community Connections is not liable for any unauthorized or inappropriate sharing of films. Please note that violence, profanity or direct attacks on individuals or organizations will not be accepted. All films must adhere to copyright laws. Any film utilizing copyrighted material (including music, images, film etc.) will not be considered.
Elementary School Category
Wasteful Santa -Talia Levy, Elizabeth Larscheid, Ella Haas, Isabel Marx – Mann School
Middle School Category
Sporktagion: HEAT (Heritage Earth Action Team) – Heritage Middle School
High School Category
Let’s Talk About Water – Lea Kichler – Lincoln Park High School
Questions? Please contact Katie Morris [email protected], or Sue Crothers [email protected]
January 12, 2014
January 12, 2014
Various Venues in Oak Park/River Forest
Oak Park, Illinois
United States