The regions first and foremost chamionship BBQ competition!
The 2nd Annual Monadnock Up In Smoke BBQ – Beer Festival is shaping up to be a premier KCBS championship event as well as a signature event for the Monadnock Region.
We’ve lined up some great entertainment and events for everyone to enjoy. Make sure you check out our entertainment page as well as our event schedule.
If you’re looking to compete or judge at our event make sure you check out our options for registering online.
May 30, 2014 - June 1, 2014
The gate opens at 5:00 PM on Friday. On Saturday and Sunday gates open at 11:00 AM. Friday and Saturday the event ends at 10:00 PM. On Sunday the event ends at 5:00 PM.
Please see the site for competitive details
May 1, 2014
Cheshire Fairgounds
247 Monadnock Highway
East Swanzey, New Hampshire 03446
United States
Geordie Fifield and David Devoid
(603) 355-2555