Event ID: 3455

Great Northern International Pool Freediving Championships, incorporating the BFA National pool competition

Chilling out by Martin Toole

The UK Pool Freediving Championships will be on the 22nd and 23rd of March 2014. It follows the successful format of the previous four years. We are looking for athletes, judges, helpers and spectators. Please contact me at [email protected] for details.

Competition day one is as normal a Dynamic No Fins (DNF) Some pictures here

The second day is Static (STA) and Dynamic (DYN) performances. There will be prizes for the overall top three places, as well as trophies for the top three UK divers as the title holds the winner of the Great Northern pool competition and also the UK National pool champion if the diver qualifies as a UK passport holder.

Athletes can compete in one or two days of the event but are encouraged to participate in some capacity for both days.

Pictures here and here.

The weekend in the calendar is now known as ‘the event!’ because of the good vibe that the group always produces. We are hoping for a truly International event in 2014. We will have a social on the Saturday and Sunday evenings.

There is always a large number of  personal bests achieved, many athletes reporting 3 PBs in three events, I think the trust in the safety staff and the relaxed atmosphere certainly helps. There is normally some massive performances from the big boys and girls too, three National records, and some great performances from the newbies in all years. It is a competition I encourage athletes from all abilities to attend, all are catered for, we aim to please.

Some videos from 2012. John Dove first and broke the record at 153 metres, video here and Georgina Miller, 2012 Pool Champion.

Chris Crawshaw breaks UK DNF record.

This year we hope for more athletes and aim to make it a truly International event, come join us.
Anyone interested in sponsoring the event please contact me.


Steve Millard


Freediving, when practised properly, is a very safe sport. However there are risks so always dive with the supervision of a QUALIFIED and competent buddy. Never hold your breath alone, even in water as shallow as your bath. Someone needs to be there who knows exactly what they are looking for and what to do in case of a blackout. A casual observer or even a lifeguard who hasn't been specifically trained in apnea would not be suitable.

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Date & Time

March 17, 2014 - March 23, 2014
Saturday. Registration 11.30am Pool DNF, 1.00pm -4.00pm. Then 4.30pm leave building for social. Sunday Registration 10.00am. Pool STA 11.30pm -3.30pm Pool DYN 4.00pm - 7.00pm. Leave building for social 8.00pm.



Registration Deadline

March 17, 2014


Liverpool Aquatics Centre
United Kingdom

Event Contact

Steve Millard

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