ART CALL TO ARTISTS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS – SCAPES 2019 Is Proud to Announce “Scapes 2019” an online international fine art competition.
Total Awards in Cash and Art Marketing Prize Value: $7,500.00
Theme and Selection:
“Scapes 2019” Artists/Photographers work that provides us with original interpretations of different types of landscapes, seascapes, or mindscapes from representational to abstract. The visual narrative of the work should transport the viewer to experience the beauty, uniqueness, or fantasy of these special places. The competition is open to all artists expressing themselves in any still medium: painting, photography, sculpture, collage, drawing, assemblage, Installation, fiber art, and digital art.
Eligibility: This competition is open to all artists/photographers 18 years of age or older. Submissions for consideration can be expressed in any of the following aspects: representational, expressionism, surrealism, or abstraction.
Cash Awards and Prizes:
First Place: $1,000 in Cash – The artist and their work will be included and presented as a “Featured Artist” in the “” that is marketed to over 10,000 art buyers = Value $1,500. The winner’s artwork will also be marketed in our email marketing campaign “Art Market News” with 30,000 subscribers = Value $3,500. The artist and their work will be marketed through our social media marketing network through LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tweeter, FaceBook, GooglePlus, Instagram, etc.
Total first place prize value = $6,000*
Second Place: $250 in Cash – The artist and their work will be included and presented as a “Notable Artist” in the “” that is marketed to over 10,000 art buyers = Value $1,000. Total second place prize value = $1,250*
Third Place: $125 in Cash*
Fourth Place: $75 in Cash*
Fifth Place: $50 in Cash*
*The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th place winner’s work will be featured in “Winners Showcase”, with links to their websites. There will be 10 Honorable Mentions with the artist’s work being displayed in the “Honorable Mentions” section of receives 250,000 visitors annually.
Submission Fee
Entry Fee: $20 for one entry and $10 for each additional image.
(No limit on the number of additional entries submitted.)
Submit Your Art:
November 13, 2018 - January 14, 2019
11:30 PM
• Submission Deadline: January 14, 2019 (12:00 Midnight EST)
• Jury Selection: on or before January 18, 2019
• Artist Notification: on or before January 18, 2019
$20.00 for the first image, $10.00 each additional image.
November 13, 2018