Event ID: 10735

Art Call “Flowers, Plants & Gardens 2018” Prizes $1,625.00 in Cash and $6,500.00 in Marketing Prizes

The curators are looking for art work that honors and reflects the beauty and calm dignity of nature as it is expressed in flowers and plants. Artists and photographers throughout history have created some of their most beautiful, memorable works of art through their appreciations of inspiring flowers, plants, and gardens that symbolize continual rebirth, fresh beginnings, fragile persistence, and alluring symmetry against many odds. We encourage all artists who feel a commonality with this theme to submit to us for final consideration your creative visions.

New Art Call:  Flowers, Plants & Gardens 2018  

Art-Competition.net is proud to announce the Art Call “Flowers, Plants & Gardens 2018.” There will be 7 Winners and 10 Honorable Mentions. This competition is open to all artists and photographers worldwide. The participant must be 18 years of age or older working in any still art medium, including: painting, drawing, collage, photography, digital art, and fiber art. 

Total Awards in Cash and Art Marketing Prize Value: $8,125.00. 

Our Flowers, Plants & Gardens curators are looking for art work that honors and reflects the beauty and calm dignity of nature as it is expressed in flowers and plants.  Artists and photographers throughout history have created some of their most beautiful, memorable works of art through their appreciations of inspiring flowers, plants, and gardens that symbolize continual rebirth, fresh beginnings, fragile persistence, and alluring symmetry against many odds.  Regardless of art form, when an artist becomes “blocked,” nature frequently offers him or her a new spiritual foundation and motivation.  Be it a single flower, a garden in full aromatic bloom, or a “shy” plant on a window sill, there is no mistaking the awesome complexity of the planet’s precious vegetation.  This abundance of flowers and greenery inspires and challenges the creative mind to redefine and/or simply glorify their splendor.   We encourage all artists who feel a commonality with this theme to submit to us for final consideration your creative visions.  



This competition helps support the free drawing and painting lessons website "DrawingAndPaintingLessons.com.” No advertising is associated with this site. 

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Date & Time

August 6, 2018 - September 3, 2018
12:00 AM


Entry Fee: $20 for one entry and $10 for each additional image. (No limit on the number of additional entries submitted.)

Registration Deadline

September 3, 2018


Gallery 25N
414 High Point Dr. Suite 1
Cocoa, Florida 32926
United States

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