announces the art call “Faces of Humanity 2”, Deadline: April 11, 2016 (Midnight EST). There will be 7 winners and 10 honorable mentions. This competition is open to all artists/photographers worldwide. The participant must be 18 years of age or older working in any still art medium: painting, drawing, collage, photography, digital art, fiber art, etc.
Theme: “Faces of Humanity 2” Artists/Photographers bring us the diversity of humanity in their art by capturing the emotion, beauty, love, hope and wisdom in the faces of all people. Seeing our humanity in the faces of different people can bring us understanding and connection to the many different cultures of the world. The work can be expressed in any aspect from representational, expressionism, surrealism or abstraction.
For More Information:
The Work Must Be Original:
You must be the creator of the art that you submit to the competition. Your art must be your own original concept and not a copy of anyone else's copyrighted material. (If your image infringes upon another's copyright it will be disqualified.) Upon submitting your work, to this competition, you are solely responsible for any infringement on copyrighted materials.
March 14, 2016 - April 11, 2016
12:00 AM
Deadline: April 11, 2016 (Midnight EST)
$20 for the initial entry and $10 for each additional image.