Event ID: 10721

“Abstract 2018” $8,125.00 in Cash & Extensive Art Marketing Prizes

Art-Competition.net is proud to announce the Art Call “Abstract 2018.” There will be 7 Winners and 10 Honorable Mentions. This competition is open to all artists and photographers worldwide. The participant must be 18 years of age or older working in any still art medium, including: painting, drawing, collage, photography, digital art, and fiber art.

Total Awards in Cash and Art Marketing Prize Value: $8,125.00.

Theme: Abstract 2018 – The judges are looking for art of any subject created as abstraction. The artwork must be based on abstraction, where the subject or message is pushed to visual limits of abstraction so that there is little or no representation of the real world (as in nonrepresentational). The submitted artwork can be of any subject that is communicated in the power of abstraction. The composition elements of the work must rely on form, color, action, lines, marks, and texture to create a purely abstract work that engages the viewer and draws them into the intention of the artist’s work. 

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Date & Time

July 4, 2018 - August 6, 2018
12:00 AM


$20.00 for the first image, $10.00 each additional image.

Registration Deadline

August 6, 2018


414 High Point Dr. Suite 1
Cocoa, Florida 32926
United States

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Joseph Card

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