Event ID: 2848

2014 Australian History Competition

The Australian History Competition is prepared by the History Teachers’ Association of Australia and run in conjunction with The Giant Classroom. While a primary goal has been to provide an interesting and challenging competition for students, we also see this as an opportunity to support teachers in the implementation of the new Australian Curriculum: History. It is an opportunity to provide a quality resource that demonstrates approaches to the assessment of knowledge, skills and understandings and promotes a broad view of history.


In 2013 the Year 10 Competition ran for the third time and the Year 8 Competition ran for the second time.

  • See News for a list of students who gained the highest mark in each state or territory
  • See 2013 Evaluation for an evaluation of the 2013 competition
  • See Sample Questions for a selection of questions from the 2012 and 2013 competitions


In 2014 the competition will be offered at two levels:

  • A Year 10 competition will be broadly based on the Australian Curriculum: History for years 9&10
  • A Year 8 competition will be broadly based on the Australian Curriculum: History for years 7&8

Each competition will present 50 multiple choice questions. The questions will focus on key elements of the Australian Curriculum: History – sound historical knowledge, historical skills and historical understandings. While directed towards students who have studied history, they may be suitable for students who have studied subjects that incorporate a strong history component.


Both competitions will run on Wednesday 28 May 2014.


Key Dates for 2014

24 October 2013    Entry/Registration opens

12 April 2014         Entry/Registration closes

28 May 2014         Both competitions will run



The History Teachers’ Association of Australia and the Giant Classroom would like to acknowledge the generous support of our sponsors in 2011, 2012 and 2013:

Circle – The Centre for Innovation, Research, Creativity and Leadership in Education

  • CIRCLE is an executive agency that helps schools and organisations improve their performance.
  • CIRCLE educates, empowers and equips leaders to think strategically, act wisely and use resources well.
  • CIRCLE tailors sustainable solutions for schools and organisations, helping them build cultures of excellence in leadership and learning.


via: http://www.australianhistorycompetition.com.au/

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Date & Time

January 28, 2014

Registration Deadline

April 12, 2014


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