Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery announces an art call for the gallery’s 6th Annual “Abstracts” Juried Online Art Competition for the month of May 2015. The gallery invites all 2D and 3D artists (including photography) from around the world to make online submissions for possible inclusion in the Gallery’s June 2015 online group… [Read More]
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery announces an art call for the gallery’s 5th Annual “CityScapes” Juried Online Art Competition for the month of March 2015. The gallery invites all 2D and 3D artists (including photography) from around the world are called upon to make online submissions for possible inclusion in to the Gallery’s… [Read More]
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery announces an art call for the gallery’s 4th Annual “Botanicals” Juried Online Art Competition for the month of June 2014. The gallery invites all 2D and 3D artists (including photography) from around the world are called upon to make online submissions for possible inclusion in to the Gallery’s… [Read More]