Deadline: February 11, 2019 (Midnight EST)
Curator Selection: On or before February 21, 2019
Artist Notification: On or before February 21, 2019 is proud to announce the Art Call “Family Members 2019”. There will be 5 Winners and 10 Honorable Mentions. This competition is open to all artists and photographers worldwide. The participant can submit any still art medium, including: painting, drawing, collage, photography, digital art, and fiber art.
Total Awards in Cash and Art Marketing Prize Value: $8,000.00.
Theme and Selection:
“Family Members 2018” – Artistic portrayal of family members (clan, people, folk, tribe, ancestors, group, etc.) is as personal and subjective as each family member is unique. One piece of art can evoke unbridled emotions, thoughts, feelings, and responses that draw the observer into their own untold story. The manner of visually capturing “family members” has changed dramatically over time and the interpretation of its meaning is dependent on the situational perspective of the artist. The judges for this demonstrative competition are looking for the artist’s expressive interpretation of “family members” in their artwork that effectively conveys their definition of the term and evokes a reaction in the viewer. All still art medium works are encouraged for submission.
Eligibility: This competition is open to all artists/photographers 18 years of age or older. Submissions for consideration can be expressed in any of the following aspects: representational, expressionism, surrealism, or abstraction.
Cash Awards and Prizes:
First Place: $1000.00 in Cash and the artist is presented as a “Featured Artist” in the “” that is marketed to over 30,000 art buyers = Value $1,500.00. The winner’s artwork will also be marketed in an email marketing campaign “Art Market NewsTM” and website with over 30,000 subscribers = Value $3,500.00. The artist and their work will be marketed through our social media-marketing network through LinkedIn, Tumblr, Tweeter, FaceBook, GooglePlus, Instagram, etc.
Total first place prize value = $6,000.00*
Second Place: $300.00 in Cash and the artist will be featured as a “Notable Artist” in the “” that is marketed to over 30,000 art buyers = Value $1,500.00.
Total second place prize value = $1,800.00*
Third Place: $125.00 in Cash*
Fourth Place: $50.00 in Cash*
Fifth Place: $25.00 in Cash*
*All winning artworks will be featured in “Winners Showcase” with links to their websites.
Up to 10 Honorable Mentions – The artists and their artwork will be displayed in the “Honorable Mentions” Section of
Entry Fees: $20.00 for the first image, $10.00 each additional image.
Proceeds from this art competition support the following:
Submit Your Art:
January 12, 2019 - February 11, 2019
11:30 PM is proud to announce the Art Call “Family Members 2019”. There will be 5 Winners and 10 Honorable Mentions. This competition is open to all artists and photographers worldwide. The participant can submit any still art medium, including: painting, drawing, collage, photography, digital art, and fiber art.
Total Awards in Cash and Art Marketing Prize Value: $8,000.00.
Entry Fees: $20.00 for the first image, $10.00 each additional image.
January 12, 2019